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Dems Launch New Trump Witch Hunt


Democrats desperately want to keep Trump out of 2024!

From the moment Donald Trump took the presidency in 2016, Democrats have been doing everything in their power to get him out of office or try and prevent him from running once again in 2024.

Now it appears that Democratic super PAC American Bridge is accusing Trump of once again breaking campaign finance laws.

This time Trump is being accused breaking campaign finance laws because he has yet to formally announced whether or not he will run again in 2024.

What a joke.


According to Human Event, the Democrats behind PAC American Bridge told the New York Times they will now file a complaint with the Federal Election Commission.

Jessica Floyd, the president of the super PAC, stated, “He should have to adhere to the law in a way that all other candidates do. When he says, ‘I’m going to do it a third time,’ that’s not flirting. That’s more than a toe dip.”

American Bridge then brought up a quote by Trump where he said, “I know what I’m going to do, but we’re not supposed to be talking about it yet from the standpoint of campaign finance laws.”

Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich fired back at the complaint by Democrats and said, “America is spiraling into disaster because of the Democrats’ failures, and instead of reversing course, they are busy filing frivolous complaints that have zero merit.”