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YIKES! Biden Unveils His New COVID-19 Restrictions

YIKES! Biden Unveils His New COVID-19 Restrictions


This is only the beginning…

In a recent interview with CNN, “President-elect” Joe Biden unveiled his plan to combat the coronavirus and many Americans aren’t happy.

According to Breitbart, Biden will force all Americans to wear masks in all federal buildings and on interstate transportation. Along with these rules he will also encourage all Americans to wear masks everywhere for the first 100 days while he is in office.

“[W]here the federal government has authority, I’m going to issue a standing order that in federal buildings, you have to be masked. In transportation — interstate transportation, you must be masked, in airplanes and buses, etc. And so, it’s a matter of — and I think my inclination, Jake, is in the first day I’m inaugurated to say I’m going to ask the public, for 100 days, to mask, just 100 days, to mask. Not forever. 100 days. And I think we’ll see a significant reduction if we occur that — if that occurs with vaccinations and masking, to drive down the numbers considerably.”


If that wasn’t bad enough the Washington Examiner reported that Biden intents to increase Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role in his administration.

“I think my three predecessors have set the model as to what should be done,” Biden stated. “Once Fauci says, ‘That’s my measure,’ then obviously, we take it. And it’s important to communicate to the American people it’s safe.”

Are Looking Forward To a 100 Day Mask Mandate?