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Biden Officially Hits Rock Bottom


Things have gotten much worse for Biden.

Recent polling commissioned by Democrats for the Next Generation reveals President Biden severely trailing Donald Trump in several key battleground states. Across Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Nevada, Biden lags behind Trump by an average of 4 percentage points. Specifically, the numbers show Biden at 43% in Pennsylvania to Trump’s 48%, 42% in Georgia to Trump’s 47%, and similar margins in other states surveyed.

However, the survey also highlights a potential shift if a younger Democratic candidate were in the race instead of Biden. According to the poll, a “qualified Democrat younger than Biden” could hypothetically lead Trump by a margin of 53% to 47%.

The age factor is notably contentious among voters. While 27% of respondents in swing states believe Biden’s age does not hinder his effectiveness as president, a significant contrast emerges across age demographics. Only 18% of those aged 29 and younger share this sentiment, compared to 30% of respondents aged 65 and older.


The debate surrounding Biden’s performance and age has prompted internal debate within the Democratic Party. Some prominent members have suggested Biden should step aside in favor of a candidate who might perform better against Trump. Despite these calls, Biden remains steadfast in his commitment to continue campaigning and defeat Trump in the upcoming election.

In terms of voter motivation, Democrats and Republicans diverge significantly. A notable 29.2% of Republicans cite liking a candidate as their primary reason for voting, compared to 17.4% of Democrats. Conversely, 31.2% of Democrats indicate their motivation is driven by dislike for a candidate, contrasting with 16% of Republicans who share this sentiment.

The polling data also aligns with aggregate figures from RealClearPolitics, showing Trump leading Biden by various margins across different states and in national polls. Despite these statistics, Biden remains skeptical of the polling accuracy, challenging their reliability in predicting electoral outcomes.

Overall, while Biden faces challenges in key battleground states according to recent polls, the dynamics of the race could shift significantly with a different Democratic candidate. The age factor continues to be a pivotal issue among voters, influencing perceptions of Biden’s ability to lead effectively. As the election approaches, these factors will likely continue to shape political discourse and strategy for both parties.