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BIG: Mitch McConnell Breaks Silence On $2000 Checks

BIG: Mitch McConnell Breaks Silence On $2000 Checks


Here’s what McConnell finally had to say…

Earlier today, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) countered Chuck Schumer’s attempt to have a stand alone vote on the $2000 stimulus checks by adding in the vote to repeal Section 230 as well as having a committee investigate the integrity of the election.

Democrats didn’t like McConnell’s move and accused him of adding “poison pills” into the stimulus vote.

Democrats do not want Section 230 repealed nor do they want anyone looking into the integrity of the Presidential election.


According to the Gateway Pundit, McConnell delivered a fiery speech on the Senate floor showing his lack of support for giving out $2000 to every America by saying, “The Senate is not going to be bullied into rushing out more borrowed money into the hands of Democrats’ rich friends who don’t need the help.”


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