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Did Kellyanne Conway Commit Treason?

Did Kellyanne Conway Commit Treason?


George Conway, the husband of White House counsellor Kellyanne Conway, is denying all accusations that he and his wife anonymously colluded to write “A Warning,” the tell-all book from someone within the Trump administration. 

According to The Hill, the former White House counsel to former President Nixon, John Dean, insisted that the writing style of the book was similar to George Conway’s past works.

Shortly after Conway tweeted, “I wish. But no”.


The anonymous writer of the book refers to President Trump as, “impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective,” and also wants to “call attention to Trump’s misconduct and erratic leadership.”

If Kellyanne and George Conway did actually collaborate to write this book, It would be treason against the president in the highest form.