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George W. Bush Stabs Trump And GOP In The Back

George W. Bush Stabs Trump And GOP In The Back


This is such a shame.

Former Republican President George W. Bush has never seen eye to eye with former President Donald Trump.

Conservatives across the country were furious to learn that Bush warmed up to Obama more than Trump following the 2016 election and now Bush appears to have completely turned his back on the entire GOP.

According to KYMA, Bush is planning to go out of his way to personally thank Republican traitor Rep. Liz Cheney weeks after she voted to impeach Trump. Cheney’s move drew immense blowback from Republicans across the country.


Bush’s chief of staff, Freddy Ford, informed CNN that Bush will thank Rep. Cheney for her actions.

After being asked if Bush with endorse Liz Cheney so she can win re-election next year, Ford stated, “You’re a few months ahead of us — we aren’t thinking about the next election cycle yet. But I do know that President Bush is planning to call VP Cheney tomorrow for two reasons: to wish him a happy 80th birthday, and to thank him for his daughter’s service.”

Should Liz Cheney Be Voted Out Of The GOP?