This is shocking!
On Friday (February 24), Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley vowed she would remove U.S. aid from countries that “hate” the United States.
Her comments were part of an op-ed she wrote in the New York Post, asserting taxpayers had the right to know where U.S. foreign aid was going, explaining that taxpayers would be “shocked” to find out that most of it is going to “Anti-American” countries and causes.
Haley claimed more than $1 billion had been given to Iraq in recent years, which she highlighted had increased ties to “murderous thugs” Iran, known for chanting “Death to America.”
After years of being adversaries, Iraq has recently improved its relationship with Iran.
The former U.N. Ambassador also suggested that aid had been given to Pakistan, despite it being home to dozens of terrorist organizations, and to China for “ridiculous” environmental programs.
Haley explained Joe Biden wasn’t the sole offender, suggesting that other Presidents from both parties had continued the practice, which she insisted was on “autopilot” without considering who receives that aid.
She noted she was running for President to restore the nation’s strength, pride, and public trust in Government entities.
The former Governor of South Carolina called “Backing [U.S] allies and friends like Israel and Ukraine” smart, noting that it isn’t intelligent to send “tax dollars to our enemies.”
She wrote that if elected President, she would cut off “every cent in foreign aid for countries that hate us,” adding that a “strong America doesn’t pay off the bad guys.”