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Pelosi Snaps After Question About Chinese Spy Girlfriend

Pelosi Snaps After Question About Chinese Spy Girlfriend


This is why we need Trump.

A bombshell report was released earlier this week by Axios which claimed that a Chinese spy raised money for Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA) and even placed an “intern” in his office.

The Chinese spy, Fang Fang, had an intimate relationship with two Midwestern mayors and is likely rumored to have done the same with Swalwell.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi raised hell at a recent press briefing after one reporter asked her if she was briefed by intelligence agencies about Swalwell’s relationship with Fang Fang.

It is important to remember that Pelosi appointed Swalwell to the House Intel Committee a very big risk for a politician who is in a relationship with a communist spy.


Instead of being honest about the shocking discovery, Pelosi tried to shift the focus back onto Republicans by claiming that conspiracy group QAnon is a greater danger.

McCarthy has QAnon in his delegation over there and that I think is a danger in terms of our debate here about what the possibilities are for undue influence to members of Congress,” Pelosi replied.

Could Pelosi also be compromised by a Chinese spy?

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