The Republican voter base is fired up more than ever before.
In yet another hint that former President Donald Trump will run again in 2024, Trump told attendees at his most recent rally in Michigan that he will “continue fighting.”
According to Newsmax, Trump finally admitted what everyone has suspected and announced, “I am their No. 1 target, but I am proud to be fighting for you, and I’m going to be fighting for you a long time.”
Trump held the rally to give support to his America First candidates such as GOP gubernatorial nominee Tudor Dixon.
Trump then said, “Six weeks from now, the people of Michigan are going to vote to fire your radical-left Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, and you’re going to send a very good person — a very, very good woman — Tudor Dixon to the governor’s mansion.”
Trump added, “The choice in this election is simple: If you want the decline and fall of America, then vote for the radical-left Democrats, that’s what’s happening. We have a nation, as they say, in decline. If you want to stop the destruction of our country and save the American dream, you must vote Republican.”
Trump then warned that Democrats will demolish the filibuster and strip away election integrity. He added that Democrats are looking to weaken America’s military, our Treasury, and the United States dollar.
Trump later added, “I think they’d like to see me in prison. Can you imagine? I think that they’d like that. You know why? You know why? Because they’re sick. They’re sick people.