Biden isn’t half the president Ronald Reagan is.
Former President Ronald Reagan adeptly addressed concerns about his age by reframing it as a testament to his “experience.” Similarly, President Joe Biden, who at 80 years old holds the distinction of being the oldest president in U.S. history, is copying a similar strategy in his bid for reelection.
According to Fox, Reagan, during the 1984 debate at the age of 73, famously declared, “I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent’s youth and inexperience.”
Biden is employing a comparable tactic, as observed by NBC News, by responding to questions about his age and negative polling suggesting he may be too old for another term. In one instance earlier this month, he jokingly remarked, “I know I don’t look that old; I’m a little under 103.” Analysis of his public comments reveals sarcastic suggestions of being 198, 110, 217, 270, or 299 years old.
According to a former White House official cited by NBC News, Biden’s humorous approach enables him to embrace the advantages of experience while diffusing any concerns about his fitness through humor.
This response could be attributed to NBC polling, which indicates that 68% of registered voters have apprehensions about Biden’s mental or physical capabilities.
White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt emphasized Biden’s unparalleled experience and record of accomplishments, stating, “No president has ever come to the job with more experience, and President Biden has leveraged that experience into a record of accomplishments that few presidents have matched.”
Notably, Tucker Carlson also acknowledged the Democrats’ concerns about Biden’s age as they strive to retain the White House in 2024, expressing that they should be somewhat worried.
During his seventh episode of “Tucker on Twitter,” Carlson asserted, “But the one thing these people cannot control is aging. Joe Biden is old. He’s 80 now. He’ll be 85 at the end of the next term.”
Carlson went on to discuss the unpredictable nature of old age, emphasizing that when cognitive decline sets in, it often progresses rapidly. He cited instances where Biden appeared to struggle with reading prompter instructions, remarking, “Joe Biden read the stage directions out loud. That’s like eating the garnish that comes with your entrĂ©e. You’re supposed to know not to do that. Joe Biden no longer does. In a year or two, he will be gone completely, and there will be no hiding it.”