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Biden Sells Out To China


Imagine what the media would say if Trump did this.

President Biden is poised to negotiate an agreement with China aimed at restricting the utilization of artificial intelligence in nuclear weaponry. Scheduled to convene with Chinese President Xi Jinping during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco on Wednesday, the leaders are anticipated to endorse a pact limiting the application of AI in military contexts. The accord reportedly encompasses constraints on AI within the systems overseeing nuclear weapons and in autonomous weapon systems, such as drones.

According to Fox, this development unfolds against a backdrop of persistent tensions between the two nations, fueled by issues ranging from China’s espionage in the U.S. to its ongoing military expansion in the South China Sea. Simultaneously, the global community has voiced growing ethical concerns about the unbridled use of AI in warfare, prompting the need for regulatory measures.

Phil Siegel, the founder of the Center for Advanced Preparedness and Threat Response Simulation (CAPTRS), emphasized the necessity of such an agreement but advocated for the involvement of other major powers like Russia. Siegel warned that allowing AI-driven autonomous weapons for combat purposes, beyond reconnaissance, could plunge the world into heightened danger.


Conversely, Christopher Alexander, Chief Analytics Officer of Pioneer Development Group, criticized the agreement, asserting that the U.S. would be surrendering a strategic advantage to China. Alexander argued that AI capabilities, which are more advanced in the U.S., contribute to improved decision-making and stress reduction, particularly crucial in preventing hasty nuclear decisions.

Both China and the U.S. have been rapidly integrating AI into their military strategies. Earlier this year, both nations were signatories to an agreement endorsing the responsible use of AI in military contexts. However, skepticism remains, with some questioning China’s commitment to honoring such agreements, citing examples like its non-compliance with the Paris Climate Agreement.

Samuel Mangold-Lenett, a staff editor at The Federalist, expressed doubts about China’s reliability, pointing to its historical non-compliance with international agreements. He argued that the U.S. should prioritize the development of AI systems for national security, as adversaries are likely to pursue similar advancements independently.