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Mainstream Media Caught Working For Biden


The mainstream media is working hard for the Democrats and it’s pathetic!

During a recent joint press conference with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, an image began circulating online that raised questions about President Biden’s use of note cards during such events. In the picture, President Biden could be seen holding a note card that listed the names and faces of the four reporters who would be asking questions.

According to Fox, these reporters were identified as PBS correspondent Laura Barrón-López, USA Today White House correspondent Joey Garrison, Australia’s Channel 10 Network Political Editor Ashleigh Raper, and The Australian’s Jeff Chambers. All four of these journalists were the ones who posed questions during the press conference.

The image of the note card brought to mind a similar incident that occurred during a joint press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol in April. On that occasion, President Biden was seen with a note card that not only had the name and photo of Los Angeles Times journalist Courtney Subramanian but also what appeared to be a pre-written question. The question read, “How are YOU squaring YOUR domestic priorities — like reshoring semiconductors manufacturing — with alliance-based foreign policy?”


Curiously, Subramanian was the first reporter called upon during the event and proceeded to ask a question that closely mirrored the pre-written one on the note card. She asked, “Your top economic priority has been to build up U.S. domestic manufacturing in competition with China, but your rules against expanding chip manufacturing in China is hurting South Korean companies that rely heavily on Beijing. Are you damaging a key ally in the competition with China to help your domestic politics ahead of the election?”

Despite these notable incidents, the White House has not provided any official comment regarding President Biden’s reliance on note cards during press conferences, leaving the public to speculate about the purpose and preparation behind these cards. The four reporters who participated in the press conference also remained silent on whether their questions had been previewed or coordinated in advance with the President’s team.

It’s important to note that President Biden has been the subject of some ridicule and criticism for his use of cheat sheets and note cards during various public appearances, not just during press conferences. For instance, during his first formal press conference as president in March 2021, he was observed handling a card that contained statistics and talking points for reference. Additionally, he has been seen with lists of pre-selected reporters along with their photos, which has fueled the perception that he relies on prepared materials when engaging with the press.

In summary, the incident with the note card during the joint press conference with Prime Minister Albanese has once again brought President Biden’s use of such aids into the spotlight, prompting discussions about their purpose and implications for the transparency of the administration’s communications with the media.