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Melania’s Secret Signals To Trump Revealed


While the media tries to tear apart Trump and his family it’s interesting to see the truth.

In a recent extensive interview with French publication Paris Match, Brigitte Macron, the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, disclosed insights into the relationship dynamics between former President Donald Trump and his wife Melania. Amid ongoing speculation about the Trumps’ relationship and Melania’s subdued presence in Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign, Brigitte Macron offered her perspective on Melania Trump.

According to Newsweek, during the interview, Brigitte Macron characterized Melania Trump as both “sweet” and “strong,” highlighting Melania’s influential role in the relationship. Macron revealed a discreet communication tactic employed by Melania, explaining that at dinner parties, when she taps her watch, it signals to Donald Trump that it’s time to leave, and he complies. This subtle yet assertive behavior underscores Melania’s strong personality within the marriage.


Addressing the protocol and camaraderie among presidents’ wives globally, Brigitte Macron shared details about her interactions with other first ladies. She mentioned the ease of communication and openness with Jill Biden, the wife of President Joe Biden.

In previous comments cited by The Guardian, Macron described Melania Trump as “actually really fun,” noting her strong personality and propensity for laughter. Macron also observed the limitations imposed on Melania during her time as first lady, stating that Melania couldn’t “do anything” and faced more constraints than she did in her role.

Donald Trump, in a recent campaign stop in Iowa, acknowledged Melania’s discomfort with certain aspects of his campaigning style. According to Trump, Melania expressed reservations about the perceived lack of presidential demeanor in activities like weightlifting, swimming, and dancing on stage. Despite these differences, the Macron interview sheds light on Melania Trump’s nuanced role within the Trumps’ relationship and her impact on their public appearances.