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Republican Governor Attacked

Republican Governor Attacked


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis fired back after the Democrat mayor of Orange County Jerry Demings attacked him for not being present as covid-19 cases surged in Orange County.

According to Fox, Demings slammed DeSantis in a press conference and said Floridians should be outraged for not speaking publicly after cases surged.


Demings stated, “Our residents, all Florida residents should be outraged, and they should ask the question, Now, where’s our state? Where’s our governor? Where is Ron DeSantis now? When was the last time you saw the governor do a press briefing regarding COVID-19?”

DeSantis’ office immediately fired back at Demings and staffer Kyle Lamb stated, “Just FYI, [DeSantis] is not on vacation. Literally no one from our office has said that he is.”

Adding, “Anyone pushing that could have easily seen the public schedule and seen that he’s taking calls and meetings this past week. Not having public events does not = ‘vacation.'”