This has caused a major division within MAGA world.
During a recent House floor speech, Representative Chip Roy of Texas voiced disagreement with former President Trump’s assertion that any president could single-handedly close the southern border. This disagreement arose in response to Trump’s social media post, which criticized House Republicans for rejecting a bipartisan Senate border security bill and advocated for President Biden to unilaterally halt migrant entries via executive orders.
Roy emphasized that simply declaring the border closed, as suggested by Trump, wasn’t feasible, pointing out the continued influx of millions of individuals during Trump’s presidency from 2017 to 2020. Despite this critique, Roy acknowledged the efforts of the Trump administration in border security, highlighting initiatives such as the Migrant Protection Protocols and collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security.
The failure of a House vote to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas underscored divisions within Congress. Although Republicans, including Roy, cited Mayorkas’s alleged poor performance as grounds for impeachment, dissent within both parties complicated the issue. Notably, Republican Representative Mike Gallagher’s unexpected vote against impeachment and Democratic Representative Al Green’s attendance, despite recent surgery, added twists to the proceedings.
Roy used his floor speech to rally Republicans towards a renewed focus on border security policy. He stressed the importance of unity within the party and reaffirmed their commitment to securing the border through legislative and electoral means. Looking ahead, Roy pledged ongoing dedication to the cause, expressing hope for a Republican presidency in the future to further advance their objectives.