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VIDEO: Top Democrat Throws Biden Under The Bus


The Biden administration isn’t going to like this.

Senator Bernie Sanders acknowledged on Sunday that President Joe Biden’s age might be a factor in the upcoming 2024 election.

According to Newsweek, President Biden has officially declared his candidacy for a second term in 2024. It is a customary trend in American history for incumbent presidents to easily secure the nomination of their respective parties. Nonetheless, Biden’s age remains a central concern for voters.

When he assumed office in 2021, Biden was 78 years old, making him the oldest person to hold the presidential office. Presently at 80 years old, he would be 86 by the end of a potential second term in January 2029. The concerns regarding his advanced age have lingered throughout his tenure, frequently cited as a negative aspect, even as he achieved notable legislative victories.

Sanders, an independent from Vermont aligned with the Democratic Party, has previously downplayed worries about Biden’s age. He has stressed that the president’s stance on crucial issues holds more significance and has asserted that Biden’s mental sharpness has been evident during their interactions. During an appearance on NBC News’s Meet the Press on Sunday, Sanders reaffirmed these views when questioned by host Chuck Todd. However, he did concede that age is indeed a relevant factor.


Sanders commented, “When people assess a candidate, whether it’s Joe Biden, Trump, Bernie Sanders, or any other individual, they need to consider a multitude of factors. I met with the president several weeks ago, and our conversation was productive. Yet, ultimately, the core question is about their principles. Do they support a woman’s autonomy over her body? On that front, the president has been resolute. Do they acknowledge the reality of climate change? Or do they align with Republicans in dismissing it? Should the minimum wage be increased?… Age is a factor, Chuck, but there are far broader concerns to consider.”

Sanders himself, at 81, is a year older than Biden. Todd noted that Sanders seems to maintain his renowned energy and rigorous travel schedule. The senator previously ran for president on the Democratic ticket in 2016 and competed against Biden in 2020, with his age not receiving as much attention during those campaigns.

Despite their previous competition and their evident political disparities, Sanders has pledged his support for Biden’s reelection bid in 2024.

Conversely, the age issue hasn’t been as prominent concerning Biden’s anticipated Republican contender, former President Donald Trump. At 77, Trump is approximately three and a half years younger than Biden. Although Trump frequently asserts his mental acuity, critics often raise questions about his cognitive sharpness and coherence.