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AOC Flaunts Her Stupidity On Live Air

AOC Flaunts Her Stupidity On Live Air


You just can’t get much dumber than this…

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might have drank a little too much at bar she used to work at because earlier today, AOC accidentally delivered a long speech about Democrats losing House majority!

While we Conservatives would have loved to see the Democrats actually lose the House, they clearly haven’t. Which is why many Americans were left scratching their heads after hearing AOC’s comments.

While the race has yet to be officially called, Democrats did keep House majority by at least one seat, with 219.


According to Fox News, AOC stated, “So, you know, of course, the loss of the House majority is just extraordinarily upsetting to all of us. It’s upsetting to all of us who are invested in having a Democratic majority so that we can expand health care, so that we can raise wages, so that we can protect working people.”

“It’s also personal personally very difficult because to lose these people, you know, many of them are my colleagues, and I’m proud to call many of them my friends, and the idea that they may not be returning next term, or that they aren’t returning next term, is extremely difficult on both just a personal and a policy and a political level,” She went on to say.

Ocasio-Cortez has yet to clarify her confusing statement and likely wont.

Is AOC Too Dumb For Politics?