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Biden’s Build Back Better Plan A Scam?

Biden’s Build Back Better Plan A Scam?


This has nothing to do with fixing the country!

President Biden and the Democrats have been pushing the Build Back Better plan harder than anything else. Currently, there are a number of economic problems such as inflation, gas prices and more.

So this has raised a very serious question for many politicians and top economists. Why are Biden and the Democrats trying to spend massive amounts of money even with all of these economic problems?


Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich believes it’s so that they can save themselves from getting destroyed in the 2022 midterm elections. Gingrich believes that the Democrats are trying to “pay off” their allies so they can get election support.

In transcript provided by Fox, Gingrich stated, “If you’re Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer you’re already discounting next year and assuming you’re gonna get wiped out, so you’re trying to drive through everything to pay off your allies before the catastrophe hits. And I think it’s a little bit like people trying to build a house on a beach while a tsunami’s coming, and they’re trying desperately to finish the house and this wave gets bigger every week.”

Gingrich then said, “I’m amazed by it, and it will be very interesting to see if Joe Manchin caves because what you’re seeing is a network of political power in Washington against the entire rest of the country.”