He needs to be impeached for this.
The third top Democrat in the House, Rep. James Clyburn, has just been exposed for funneling more than $200,000 of his own campaign cash to his family members.
According to the Daily Caller, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) found that Rep. Clyburn distributed over $200,000 in campaign funds to entities owned and operated by his family members.
Clyburn has apparently already made 15 rental payments to a company owned by one of his daughters and her husband. Clyburn also made 39 other direct payments to another daughter as well.
The nepotism doesn’t end there however. Clyburn’s grandson is also one of his salaried employee as well.
Clyburn’s campaign dished out $62,500 via 15 payments to his daughter’s business 49 Magnolia Blossom LLC for “office rent.”
The other big payment Clyburn made was to his other daughter Angela Hannibal who raked in $90,762 for a number of different activities dating back from 2010.
Clyburn has dished out $236,412 since 2010 for various friends and family members of his.