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Kamala Caught Breaking The Law


How will she explain this one?

While this isn’t a real law it is a “fake law” that radical Democrats have been pushing on Americans

Vice President Kamala Harris came under fire after it was learned that she appeared around a large group of schoolchildren completely maskless once again proving that she does not care to follow her own rules.

According to Fox, Kamala was visiting the Thomas Elementary School in Washington, D.C., when she decided to go maskless and “endanger” everyone around her.



Republican National Committee rapid response director Tommy Pigott immediately took to social media and said, “Kamala Harris walked up to the stage unmasked, meanwhile, all the children behind her are masked. This is the future Democrats want.” 

“In the Democrats’ anti-science dystopia, the only person who doesn’t need to wear a mask is Kamala Harris,” he further explained.

This is certainly not the first or likely last time Democrats break their own rules in an attempt to laugh in the faces of the American people. Enough is enough!