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Kamala Erupts In Rage


Kamala is out of control.

Over the weekend, a number of conservative Twitter users criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for delivering an unhinged and out of control rant in Nashville. In her speech, Harris condemned Tennessee Republicans for their decision to remove Democrats from the state legislature, accusing them of attempting to silence their political opponents.

According to Fox, Vice President Kamala Harris delivered a speech at a church in Tennessee, in response to the vote that resulted in the expulsion of two state representatives from the legislature, with a third nearly facing the same fate. Harris accused the GOP-majority governing body of undermining democracy by silencing not only the lawmakers but also the voters they represent.

According to Tennessee Republican Caucus Chair, Rep. Jeremy Faison, GOP state leaders justified the expulsion of the lawmakers, citing their alleged involvement in disruptive protests at the state capitol during the week.

Faison likened the lawmakers’ role in the protests to that of directing a choir, suggesting that they were actively involved in organizing and leading the disruptive demonstrations.


During an impassioned segment of her speech, Vice President Kamala Harris shouted like a crazy person and said, “It wasn’t about the three of these leaders. It was about who they were representing. It’s about whose voices they were channeling! Understand that!”

Kamala then said, “And is that not what a democracy allows?. A democracy says you don’t silence the people! You do not stifle the people!”

“You don’t turn off their microphones when they’re speaking about the importance of life and liberty!” she added.

Critics of the Vice President took to Twitter to express their disapproval of her behavior, which some described as “loud.” Many also criticized her for defending the protests at the Tennessee capitol, which have been deemed intimidating by some. These critics pointed out that Democrats have previously linked conservative calls for protest to acts of violence.