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Obama Humiliates Biden, Rumors Swirl Of Surprise 2020 Candidate He Will Favor

Obama Humiliates Biden, Rumors Swirl Of Surprise 2020 Candidate He Will Favor


Earlier this year, when Joe Biden announced his run for presidency many Americans thought he was going to a sure bet to take the nomination especially with Barack Obama’s endorsement.

Not only did Obama not endorse Biden, according to Politico, Obama stated that now, unlike in 2008, he no longer has an intimate bond with the voters. Adding, “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”


So, if Obama won’t endorse Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Patrick Deval, or any other 2020 candidate, then who? Fox’s Tucker Carlson thinks it’s Michelle Obama!

According to Newsweek, Carlson recently stated on his show, “Maybe it’s also a coincidence that Michelle Obama just released another book last week, one that of course will require her to get on the road and talk to crowds,” Carlson said. “Maybe she really isn’t interested in joining the race, but that would make her unusual among Democrats in this country.