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Trump-Hating Republican Gets Worst News Ever

Trump-Hating Republican Gets Worst News Ever


This would be epic!

In a shocking turn of events, Former Alaska governor and 2008 vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin threw her hat into the ring and claimed that she is open to the idea of gunning for Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski’s seat in 2022!

According to the New York Post, during an interview with Fox contributor Ché Ahn, Palin stated, “If God wants me to do it I will.

Palin then teased Conservatives and said, “I would say you guys better be there for me this time, because a lot of people were not there for me last time.” 

Trump isn’t very fond of Senator Murkowski either and in June blasted her by saying, “Murkowski has got to go!”


Trump endorsed another Republican before Palin considered running and said, “Kelly Tshibaka is the candidate who can beat Murkowski — and she will. Kelly is a fighter who stands for Alaska values and America First.”

While many are not sure if Kelly Tshibaka can beat Sen. Murkowski, Sarah Palin is a clear favorite in the GOP who is give Murkoswski a run for her money.

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Image credit: The Nation