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Trump Turning Young Americans Conservative?


Trump is bringing common sense back.

In recent years, a surprising shift has emerged in many American families, as liberal parents find themselves at odds with their conservative sons, especially after the 2020 election. This shift reflects a growing divide in political ideologies between generations, one that challenges traditional expectations of political alignment.

Take, for example, the case of Eli, a college student who came home wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat. His mother, Alex Behr, was so upset that she threw the hat into the corner of his bedroom, leading to tense arguments over issues like guns, immigration, and abortion. In one heated exchange about former President Trump’s legal battles, Alex texted, “Facts don’t matter to you,” before expressing love and offering well wishes for the day.

This new dynamic, where liberal parents struggle to come to terms with their conservative sons, is explored in a recent article by Callie Holtermann. She explains that some progressive mothers view their sons’ shift toward Trumpism as an act of rebellion or independence, but others feel personally hurt, seeing it as a rejection of the values they tried to instill.


Alex Behr admitted to feeling conflicted: “I’ve had to do a lot of soul-searching and reading about it to not feel like I’ve failed as a mom.” It’s a sentiment that reflects a deeper anxiety among some parents as they try to understand how their children could embrace a political figure like Donald Trump. But these shifts are not without context. Despite young voters generally leaning towards the Democratic Party, Trump made significant inroads with young men, especially those between the ages of 18-44, winning 53% of their vote in the 2020 election, according to Fox News analysis.

Some young men, like Max Sorokin, feel that the Democratic Party has failed to connect with them. “They didn’t even try to make young men sympathize with them,” Sorokin said. This sense of alienation, coupled with online conservative influencers, has only furthered the rightward shift in political views.

While some parents lament the change in their children’s views, many still choose to respond with love and understanding. “I’m going to love you more when you’re struggling, because it’s just politics,” said Melanie Morlan, who had concerns about her son’s newfound political beliefs. This sentiment stands in stark contrast to the advice from some liberal commentators, who argue that parents should confront and challenge their children’s political beliefs.

In the end, it seems that while the political divide within families may be growing, love and support continue to be the foundational response for many parents, despite their disagreements. It’s a reminder that family bonds are often stronger than politics, even in an increasingly polarized society.