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VIDEO: Biden Can’t Walk


This is terrifying.

On Sunday, an 80-year-old Joe Biden was observed receiving assistance from his daughter, Ashley Biden, as they descended a staircase at a New York City restaurant. President Biden, who was in the city for the annual United Nations General Assembly, attended a family birthday dinner at Il Cantinori for his son Hunter’s daughter, Finnegan. Notably, Hunter was not spotted by reporters during the event.

According to the Daily Mail, a video shared by Aamer Madhani from the Associated Press captured the moment as President Biden, flanked by Secret Service agents, departed from Il Cantinori. Ashley held his left hand and guided him down one step, where he briefly engaged in conversation with someone. Subsequently, Ashley led him down the next step, while another individual, who remained out of view, seemed to assist by holding President Biden’s right hand as he descended to the sidewalk.

A Reuters photograph of this moment, featured by the Daily Mail, was captioned with emphasis: “The president was pictured leaving the restaurant with his daughter Ashley Biden, 42, who led him by the hand as they were flanked by bodyguards around 8 pm on Sunday.”

According to a pool report, President Biden received a warm reception from fellow patrons at the restaurant, with diners at Il Cantinori rising from their tables and applauding as he left. Some individuals even cheered from nearby apartment buildings.


The Daily Mail described Ashley’s actions as tenderly guiding her father out of the restaurant.

Earlier in the day, President Biden was observed navigating the stairs of Air Force One, taking deliberate and cautious steps for the journey to New York City, as reported by Danny Kemp from Agence France-Presse.


While Biden can manage to walk currently with the assistance of his loved ones. The question now arises of whether or not President Biden will be able to walk on his own if he is re-elected to the presidency for another 4 years?