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YIKES! Biden Gets In Bed With The Radical Left

YIKES! Biden Gets In Bed With The Radical Left


Looks like Biden isn’t such a moderate Democrat after all…

Joe Biden might have been hanging out with his socialist buddy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a little too much because now he is starting to mimic her “defund the police” chants.

According to the Gateway Pundit, Joe Biden, who was being interviewed by Ady Barkan an activist with terminal amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), said he is absolutely in favor of defunding police officers.

Biden didn’t stop there, he then said that America’s hard working cops have “become the enemy” of the people.


“Surplus military equipment for law enforcement. They don’t need that! The last thing you need is an up-armored Humvee coming into a neighborhood just like the military invading!” Biden stated. “They don’t know anybody! They have become the enemy — they’re supposed to be protecting these people.”

One thing is for sure now, Biden will make certain on his promise to radically “transform” America if he wins in November!

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