Republican lawmakers need keep an eye on this heading into the 2024 election.
In a recent development, Mississippi’s Secretary of State, Michael Watson, has taken a stand against what he perceives as overreach by President Biden’s administration. Watson addressed a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, urging the Department of Justice to cease enforcement of a Biden executive order that he believes is being utilized to unlawfully register ineligible individuals, including convicts and undocumented immigrants, to vote.
In his letter, Watson highlights Executive Order No. 14019, issued by President Biden on March 7, 2021, which aimed to redirect the focus of Department of Justice agencies towards voter registration and mobilization efforts. Watson asserts that this directive diverges from the traditional law enforcement roles of these agencies, encroaching upon state jurisdiction and misallocating federal resources.
Furthermore, Watson expresses concern that these efforts may have resulted in the improper registration of individuals who are legally ineligible to vote, such as felons, and suggests that state and local officials may have been unwittingly coerced into facilitating these actions.
The essence of Watson’s argument revolves around the principle of states’ rights and the appropriate allocation of federal resources. He argues that the federal government’s involvement in voter registration should not supersede the authority of individual states and that such interference could lead to legal and administrative complications.
This letter underscores the ongoing tension between federal and state authorities regarding voting rights and election administration. It reflects Mississippi’s stance on the matter and signals a pushback against perceived federal overreach in this domain.
Ultimately, Watson’s plea to the Department of Justice seeks to uphold the integrity of the electoral process while emphasizing the importance of respecting states’ rights in matters of voter registration and administration.