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Biden’s Controversial New Law

Biden’s Controversial New Law


This has to be a joke!

As it becomes more and more clear that President Biden was not the right leader to handle this coronavirus pandemic, it appears now that President Biden and his administration will set new COVID rules for Americans and people are furious.

Now, according to BGR, in an attempt to prevent the spread of the new omicron variant, President Biden wants to enforce a seven-day home quarantine for anyone, including American citizens, who are entering the U.S.


This new rule is expected to be required even if people are vaccinated. Those who refuse will be slapped with heavy fines and penalties.

Biden also wants to force everyone who is traveling to take “rapid PCR” test 24 hours before they travel which are extremely pricey and will cost people hundreds of dollars more.

Fox’s Peter Doocy had several questions for White House officials after Biden’s ridiculous new plan was revealed.