This is downright infuriating.
On Wednesday, the Chicago Tribune expressed their congratulations to Democrat Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson. However, they criticized him for not acknowledging former President Barack Obama, who started his political career in Chicago, despite thanking God.
They actually had the nerve to complain about Johnson not thanking Barack Obama when he instead praised God.
According to Fox, the editorial board of the Tribune celebrated the election of Brandon Johnson, the Cook County Commissioner, as the upcoming mayor of Chicago. They lauded his impressive oratory skills, referring to him as an inspiring speaker and noted that this will be a groundbreaking moment for most Chicagoans. The editorial praised Johnson’s ability to captivate an audience, a quality that many of his predecessors lacked, but also pointed out that there was a notable omission in his acceptance speech.
The editorial board actually had the nerve to write, “He found a place for God, but not, strikingly, for Barack Obama, inarguably the most important leader this city ever has produced. The omission was telling, a reminder that the progressive movement of which Johnson now is a Midwest standard-bearer, feels ambivalent about the former Chicago community organizer and his more pragmatic legacy.”
The editorial further commented on the distant memory of Obama’s rise to power, with many young Democratic voters having only a vague recollection of it.
The news outlet in Chicago also remarked on Johnson’s progressive credentials, highlighting how they played a role in his ascent to power and are expected to shape his administration’s agenda.
Americans are outraged to see a liberal news organization stoop this low for Barack Obama.