Biden’s son is in a desperate place and now he wants to claim he’s facing problems similar to Trump? What a joke!
Hunter, son of President Biden, asserted on Wednesday that GOP leaders are manipulating his father’s love for him, using it as a basis for alleging “corrupt complicity” in their investigation into the family’s financial affairs, as reported. Speaking to Axios, Biden claimed that Republicans have distorted his father’s key attributes, such as compassion, empathy, and authenticity, into supposed evidence of corruption. He expressed the difficulty in reconciling these aspects, attributing the obsession of the Trump supporters to this narrative.
Basically, Hunter is now trying to play the victim and is comparing himself to Trump who is being relentlessly targeted by Democrats to prevent him from running.
Making a brief appearance at the Capitol, Hunter opted for a public statement instead of complying with a subpoena for a scheduled deposition by House Republicans. He insisted on testifying in a public setting, while Republicans preferred a closed-door deposition as part of their inquiry into the president’s actions, particularly scrutinizing Hunter’s foreign business dealings and potential benefits to the Biden family due to the president’s position.
The refusal of a closed deposition by Hunter has become another focal point for Republicans in their argument for initiating an impeachment inquiry into the president, a move that the House formally approved in a party-line vote (221-212) on Wednesday night.
Reiterating that his father had no financial involvement in his business, Hunter confronted GOP accusations of Vice Presidential actions in Ukraine for the benefit of his son’s business. Hunter expressed a dual responsibility of maintaining sobriety and defending his father, emphasizing that his mistakes should not reflect on President Biden. Sources close to Hunter’s team believe that his responses to ongoing attacks will enhance President Biden’s reputation and standing with voters.
House Oversight Chair James Comer (Ky.) and House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (Ohio), leading the Republican investigation, vowed to hold Hunter in contempt of Congress after his non-compliance with the deposition.