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Trump Demands Host Fired After Getting Caught

Trump Demands Host Fired After Getting Caught


Take a long look at what mainstream media really is.

He was caught red handed. President Trump has demanded that NBC fire host Chuck Todd for showing an edited clip of AG William Barr talking about former Trump National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.

According to the Gateway Pundit, Chuck Todd deceptively edited a clip of Barr’s recent interview where he was asked how history will judge his decision to clear Michael Flynn’s name.

Todd apparently only showed the clip of Barr saying “history is written by the winners“.


Sadly, Todd LEFT OUT where Barr stated, “a fair history would say that it was a good decision because it upheld the rule of law. It helped, it upheld the standards of the Department of Justice and it undid what was an injustice.”

Watch Below, the last end of the clip shows what Barr REALLY said:

President Trump was not happy and blasted Todd for attempting to manipulate Americans who watched his show, “Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd should be FIRED by “Concast” (NBC) for this fraud. He knew exactly what he was doing. Public Airwaves = Fake News! @AjitPaiFCC @FCC,” Trump wrote on twitter

Should Todd be fired for blatantly spreading misinformation? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below…