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Biden Goes After 1st Amendment


Can Biden even do this?!?

In a shocking turn of events, President Biden and his administration has now decided to announce that they will form a “Disinformation Governance Board” to combat “disinformation” that could affect the outcome of the 2022 midterms.

The timing of this decision comes at a very strange time especially since Elon Musk just recently bought Twitter in an attempt to save freedom of speech.

According to Fox, President Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said, “The goal is to bring the resources of (DHS) together to address this threat.”

Republican Senator Josh Hawley got wind of this news and immediately called out the Biden Administration. Hawley took to Twitter and wrote, “The Administration that activated the FBI against parents at school board meetings now has created a government Disinformation Board to monitor all Americans’ speech. It’s a disgrace. Joe Biden & Secretary Mayorkas: dissolve this monstrosity immediately.”

Florida Republican Congressional Candidate Dr. Willie J. Montague also sounded off on the decision and wrote, “Is there anything more dystopian than a Disinformation Governance Board run by the federal government?”

Have President Biden and the Democrats become so brazen that they actually think they can get away with something like this? Freedom of speech is a fundamental rule in the United States and this cannot happen.