Biden is a pure hypocrite.
After taking his extended vacation at the beautiful Kiawah Island in South Carolina, President Biden is now heading back to his multimillion-dollar beach house in Delaware where he is constructing a glorious taxpayer-funded $500,000 security fence to keep middle class people off his property.
According to Fox News, President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) awarded him and his family a stunning $456,548 to construct a marvelous security fence to keep people off of his property.
Biden has given that nearly $500,000 to Turnstone Holdings LLC for the “purchase and installation of security fencing.”
Construction of this fence, which was funded by you, started on Sept. 21 and is projected to be completed by June 6, 2023.
When Fox News reached out to the Secret Service as to why the fence needed to be built they didn’t offer much explanation and said, “Due to the need to maintain operational security, the U.S. Secret Service does not comment on the means, methods or resources used to conduct our protective operations.”
Biden doesn’t want people on his property but it’s perfectly fine for people to illegally enter the United States. Does President Biden love America or his multimillion-dollar properties more?