This is so much worse than Trump’s situation.
The National Archives revealed it hadn’t reviewed the nine boxes of documents it took from President Joe Biden’s attorney Patrick Moore’s Boston office.
The revelation came in response to a letter the National Archive received from Republican Senators Chuck Grassley (Iowa) and Ron Johnson (Wisconsin).
The response to the letters, which have since been made public, is also the first time the number of boxes taken from the Boston office has been revealed to the public.
Previous reporting only revealed that Moore shipped boxes of documents from the Penn Biden center to his office in Boston before he discovered the trove of Classified documents held in the Penn Biden center.
When Johnson and Grassley queried in the letter, dated February 24, when the National Archives first learned about Moore sending the boxes to his Boston office, Debra Steidel Wall, acting Archivist of the United States, revealed the agency knew about it on November 3, 2022.
The response reveals that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) learned about it after NARA contacted the Penn Biden Center to arrange to pick up the boxes.
Wall explains that the Penn Biden Center revealed Moore had sent the boxes to his office.
The National Archives then picked up the nine boxes from Moore’s office in Boston on November 9 and secured them in the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston.
Despite having the boxes for over three months, Wall revealed that Nara had yet to review the contents of the boxes.