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Fox Host Betrays Trump Again!

Fox Host Betrays Trump Again!


This guy clearly has a problem with President Trump.

After the final night of the highly anticipated Republican National Convention which went off without a hitch, Fox’s Chris Wallace attempted to once again plant a seed of doubt in viewers minds and called President Trump’s speech, “surprisingly flat.”

According to Breitbart, Wallace stated, “There were impressive fireworks on the mall. But I have to say I was surprised at the lack of fireworks in the president’s speech tonight. First of all, it was far too long. 70 minutes exactly. I thought at times it felt like more a State of the Union speech, like a campaign speech.”


Wallace continued, “I have to say, in his delivery, again, I thought the president — who we have seen really turn on a crowd — was surprisingly flat and didn’t seem to have the bite that he usually does have in his speeches.”

Adding, “I agree with you. He laid out an ambitious plan for a second term, ten million jobs in ten months. Bringing medical supply chains back to the United States. Dealing with pre-existing conditions, though we have to point out he hasn’t done that in his first term.”