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BREAKING: Jan 6 Panel Loses


Their plan is backfiring!

One of the main goals of the January 6th Select Committee was to use these hearings to turn American voters against former President Donald Trump.

Now it appears that NBC has learned that the Jan. 6 Panel’s plan has actually blown up in their faces and now more Americans than ever before are standing in support of Donald Trump.

According to NBC, Republican voters in Nevada actually sympathize with Trump more now that the hearings have began. The Jan 6. Panel thought that if Americans got to witness the hearings they would turn against Trump however that plan has done the opposite.


One voter, Judy Cameron explained, “It might as well be impeachment No. 3 for Donald Trump. This is their big push to get Donald Trump off the ballot.”

NBC actually spoke to more than two dozen voters and quickly learned that GOP voters stand more in support of Trump than before the hearings began.

Another voter Tom Berenato stated, “It’s all political and designed to try to prevent Donald Trump from running for president again.”