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VIDEO: Lindsey Graham Indicted?


Here’s what you need to know…

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham recently held and interview with ABC to put an end to the rumors about his role in former President Donald Trump’s Georgia grand jury investigation.

According to Newsweek, Senator Graham, who claims to be close ally to Trump, said that he has absolutely “no concerns” over the testimony he gave in court in Georgia regarding to the investigation of whether or not Trump tried to interfere in the 2020 presidential election.

Graham went on to say that he had no concerns of possible perjury charges that could be place against him.


Graham said, “The grand jury analysis that there was no widespread fraud in Georgia, I agree with that. I think the voting by mail had problems, but I found no evidence of widespread fraud. And I had to decide as a senator whether or not to validate the Georgia election. I thought it made sense to call up the Georgia secretary of state, I did. Asked hard questions. But at the end of the day, I voted to certify the election results in Georgia for the 2020 election.”

It’s important to remember that Lindsey Graham initially tried to avoid testifying in this case and the Supreme Court eventually ordered him to testify.