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McConnell Slams Dems for Breaking Rules

McConnell Slams Dems for Breaking Rules


Here are the details…

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed Democrats during a recent speech for using the January 6th Capitol protest to justify proposed filibuster reform so that they can pass election legislation. 

According to Fox News, McConnell was disgusted by their actions and stated, “It is surreal to hear sitting senators invoke Jan. 6 to justify breaking the rules to grab outcomes they have not earned. It is jaw-dropping for colleagues to propose to commemorate that by breaking the Senate themselves.”

McConnell’s comments came not long after he also attacked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer by attempting “to break the Senate” by blowing up the filibuster.


In a letter early this week, Schumer called on Democrats to change the rules so they can successfully pass new election laws the Republicans totally oppose.

Schumer claimed that the rule changes were very important to prevent another moment like Jan. 6 from happening again.

“We must adapt,” Schumer wrote. “The Senate was designed to evolve and has evolved many times in our history.”

McConnell responded by saying, “No party that would trash the Senate’s legislation traditions can be trusted to seize control over election laws all across America. Nobody who is this desperate to take over our democracy on a one-party basis can be allowed to do it.”