Here’s what we know…
It has now been learned that former President Donald Trump is now leading in the polls against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for the 2024 Republican presidential primary.
According to Newsmax, PredictIt is an online political futures market where users can buy shares relating to the outcome of political events using real money. PredictIt found that when it came to the race for the 2024 GOP nomination, Trump’s shares increased by 44 cents which is 9 cents more than DeSantis. Furthermore, no other candidate was higher than 6 cents other than DeSantis and Trump.
This comes as surprise to many because DeSantis was holding the lead against Trump for around two weeks until July 1st when Trump took over again.
When it came to the question of “Who will win the 2024 US presidential election?” Trump was also in the lead with 31 cents compared to DeSantis who was at 27 cents and Biden who was sitting at just 22 cents.
Vice President Kamala Harris was just sitting at 7 cents for the same question.
So far neither Trump nor DeSantis has announced a run for the 2024 presidency however it has become please they are to two top dogs when it comes to the 2024 GOP nominee.
Former White House counselor Kellyanne Conway believes Trump already has a statement prepared and will announce his run again in the near future.
“I would imagine he’s got a statement ready to go now announcing he’s running for president again, and one day he’s going to say, Put that out today. Today’s the day,” Conway stated.
In a new Monmouth University poll, just 36% of Americans approve of the job Joe Biden is doing — the lowest mark of his presidency to date in the survey.
Which raises a simple but profound question: How low can Biden go? Put another way, is there a built-in floor for Biden’s approval rating? Or might he continue to trend lower and lower?
The best way to figure out what the future might hold is to look at what the past tells us. And luckily, we have the Gallup Presidential Job Approval Center, which has approval numbers for every president going back to Harry Truman.
* Donald Trump 34% (January 2021)
* Barack Obama 40% (At several points in 2013 and 2014)
* George W. Bush 25% (October 2008)
* Bill Clinton 37% (June 1993)
* George H.W. Bush 29% (July/August 1992)
* Ronald Reagan 35% (January 1983)
The average of the lowest job approval ratings of the six previous president is 33%.