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Judge Hands Trump A Win, Democrats Panic


About time.

It has now been learned that U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart has just ordered for the affidavit related to the FBI’s raid on former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home to be partially unsealed.

According to Fox News, Judge Reinhart has ordered for other documents related to the FBI raid be unsealed for the media and America to see. These soon to be unsealed documents include the warrant, the motion to seal, and the cover sheet.

Furthermore, Reinhart has given the United States government just one week to submit proposed redactions under seal by noon on August 25th.


Juge Reinhart is going to review the redactions and personally will decide how he wants to move forward or if he wants to make his own personal redactions as well.

Fox further noted He reminded all that if the government or media object to his redactions, which will also be under seal, they can appeal his ruling.

This new development will hopefully shed light on how President Biden and the Democrats worked hand-in-hand with the DOJ and FBI to target Donald Trump who is the political rival of Biden.

Democrats have every reason to be panicked right now.