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VIDEO: Biden Injures Himself?


Biden is not in good shape.

On Friday, President Biden tripped badly during a visit to Philadelphia to promote his economic agenda. While at the Tioga Marine Terminal, the president was greeting supporters before making his way to a podium. As he approached the stage and began to ascend the stairs, he encountered some difficulties, stumbling twice before finally reaching the podium.

According to Fox, during his speech, President Biden unveiled plans for the construction of a hydrogen hub as part of his clean energy initiative.

It’s worth noting that President Biden has faced a number of incidents involving slips, stumbles, and falls when entering or exiting different locations, including Air Force One, since assuming office. These occurrences have prompted questions about his mental and physical fitness. In September, he had a near stumble while disembarking from the presidential airplane.


Notably, it was revealed earlier in the day that his campaign team had been taking steps to prevent any public falls during the election season.

Earlier this year, President Biden’s White House physician diagnosed him with “significant spinal arthritis,” and since then, there have been several instances of tripping, causing concerns among some regarding his age and his ability to fulfill his role as president.

To prevent further incidents and avoid embarrassing falls, Axios reported that President Biden’s team is actively encouraging him to wear tennis shoes and limiting his use of stairs.